Vom Banach K9 puppy worming and vaccination schedule
All Vom Banach K9 puppies are healthy, happy, vibrant individuals that have been very well socialized, handled and loved from the moment they were born.
All photography by Cindy Fike, Fike Fotography.
Your Vom Banach K9 puppy comes with a written contract, health and hip guarantee, microchip implantation, DHPP vaccine (We use Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv Vaccine) and multiple dewormings.
Below is our protocol for worming and vaccination of puppies here at Vom Banach K9, and our recommendations for puppies from birth through adulthood.
German Shepherd Puppy Worming & Vaccination Schedule
2 Weeks
- Nemex-2 per oral as by weight (Nemex-2 brand of Pyrantel Pamoate suspension .5 ml per pound)
- I like Nemex-2 because of the dosage and you are able to more accurately dose a 2 week old puppy with Nemex-2 than by the standard Pyrantel labeled for humans or that is sold in pet catalogs that is a 50mg/ml. Nemex-2 is 4.54 mg per ml.
4 Weeks
- Nemex-2 per oral as by weight
5-6 Weeks
- Albon (Albon as directed by weight guidelines in 5% oral suspension, x5 days in a row as preventative for coccidia) and Panacur (Panacur granules 22.2% by weight, x3 days in a row as preventative for various internal parasites).
7 Weeks
- Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension 50mg/ml (Pyrantel at .1ml per lb)
8-9 Weeks
- Or dose at go home Pyrantel Pamoate same as above 50mg/ml ( at .1ml per lb )
- I recommend a monthly wormer for puppies and adults over 9 weeks of age. Such as Interceptor or Sentinel by Novartis or Iverhart by Virbac. This product is for heartworm prevention as well as the monthly control of other internal parasites.
I use Canine 1-DAPPv and Canine 1-DAPPvL2 vaccines by Nobivac.
- Vaccines should be given in the right front quadrant (right shoulder).
- Rabies should be given in the right rear quadrant (right hip).
- Misc. vaccines (lyme etc.) should be given in the left front quadrant (left shoulder).
- other injections such as antibiotics should be given midline above the scapula (or nape of the neck as you will commonly see by veterinarians and techs.)
The reason for this is should there be a local reaction to a vaccine or a lump develop later in these areas you will know which vaccine caused these reactions. When I record the vaccines in the Health Record I peel the sticker off of the original vaccine vial and attach it to the lower portion of the Health Record. I record the date, location the vaccine was given, vaccine sticker and initial.
So it would read: Date, DHPP <sticker from vial> R front quad - JM
A vet will know where the vaccine was given, what brand, serial numbers of the vaccine and expiration date. If later there should develop a small mass/lump it will be easier to diagnose the possibility of it being from a vaccine. I do let clients also know should they later feel a small pea to marble sized lump in that region that it could be as a result of a vaccine.
7 Weeks
- DHPP Only (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo , Parainfluenza) Canine 1-DAPPv by Nobivac.
- This is what I give here before puppies go home. I like to give it at 7 weeks to allow time for the vaccine to kick in as opposed to doing it at 8 weeks when a puppy may be leaving. I do not like to hyper-vaccinate by doing Lepto and Corona on their first vaccine also it is recommended that Lepto be given ONLY after 10 weeks of age and not before, so do not vaccinate with Lepto under 10 weeks of age.
8 Weeks
- Bordetella Intranasal (B. bronchiseptica) also known as "kennel cough" is given in a liquid form vaccination in the nose.
- Kennel cough is easily transmitted from dog to dog by contact with a contaminated animal, on the ground, or in a facility where affected dogs have been in such places as dog parks, pet stores, veterinary hospitals, boarding facilities and cargo facilities where animals are shipped. We vaccinate all of our puppies here at 8 weeks of age or before they go to their new homes to aid in the prevention of kennel cough and your Vom Banach K9 puppy becoming infected during those first few weeks where the puppy may be traveling or in infected areas. We recommend a kennel cough booster be given every 6 months if you are frequently in contact with common grounds and unknown dogs.
On my puppy records I then recommend boosters every 4 weeks as follows:
11 Weeks
- Canine 1 DAPPvL2+Cv (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvo, Parainfluenza and Corona Virus) Note** 11 week DaPPvL2 vaccine may be given with or without CV (Corona virus add -on)
- The Corona Virus vaccine may be optional in your area or not at a high risk in your area. It is a virus similar to Parvo but not as severe. I would check with your vet to see what they recommend for your area. Corona is a puppy virus and does not need to be re-boostered or vaccinated in adult dogs. In puppies however you need 2 boosters of it same as with Lepto.
- I absolutely recommend vaccinating against Lepto. Lepto is a bacteria. Leptospirosis is spread commonly by infected rodents and raccoons and passed through the contact with urine it is as well very contagious to humans. It is common in our state and many others. The Lepto vaccine has very few side effects clinically with the Large breed dogs. There is a higher risk of side effects to smaller breeds. Life saving vaccinations far outweigh the risk of possible side effects from the actual killed modified vaccine for this disease.
15 Weeks
- Canine 1 DAPPvL2+CV and Rabies: (Same as above)
- You need 2 boosters of the Lepto as well as the Corona for immunization. Please check with your area for Rabies requirements in your state. Puppies should be at least 12 weeks of age to be administered a Rabies vaccine. Prior to 12 weeks it may be rejected by the immune system due to the puppies own immunities from its mother so the puppy would not be fully protected from the disease. Because Rabies is required by LAW in many States, Rabies can only be given to puppies over 12 weeks of age for this reason and in order to receive a Certificate of Immunization.
1 Year From Last Puppy Vaccine
- A booster DAPPvL2 (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvo and Parainfluenza ) by Nobivac.
- Note*** The 1 year booster should be given at one year from the puppies last puppy vaccine date and not his/her 1 year birth date. Because your puppy will be 4 months old by his last scheduled puppy series vaccine it would be too soon to re vaccinate at the 1 year birthdate giving him his adult 1st booster only 8 months after his last puppy vaccine instead of a year from the last scheduled vaccine date.
Further German Shepherd Puppy Vaccine Information
We do not recommend annual booster vaccinations. I recommend one booster at 3 years of age and then a titer test to determine if vaccination is needed for specific viruses and for prevention against hyper-vaccination of adult dogs thereafter.
Guidelines should be followed for recommendations for Rabies in your state.
A titer is a blood test performed by your veterinarian in order to determine the presence of antibodies that develop in the body as a result of vaccines. A vaccine titer reveals whether or not the animal currently has adequate protection against a disease. Low titers indicate that vaccination will be necessary to provide immune protection.
Vom Banach K9 German Shepherd Puppy Health Schedule
This is a schedule I stick with when I am raising up a litter. Puppies who may be staying longer may not receive the same schedule as those leaving at the 8-9 weeks of age. I may vaccinate them later then the initial 7 week vaccine so I then follow a vaccine protocol from the date of the initial vaccine giving subsequent vaccines every 4 weeks thereafter for the remaining two vaccines. Because both Corona and Lepto need two boosters following the initial one is why I recommend puppies receive two more vaccines in addition to rabies after leaving here.
I also discuss vaccines with my clients when I give go home instructions. And I hope it mostly sinks in. I think it is very important when they take their new puppy to their vet that they bring the record and be sure they are given the correct vaccinations and only the ones that are needed. I think it is important to be on the same page with your vet that puppies are not over-vaccinated.