German Shepherd Working Line Stud Dogs
Vom Banach K9 stud dogs are available for breeding services to select females and governmental breeding programs. Please contact us for more information on requirements, bookings or for shipped frozen semen services.

VG Irvin Skocicka Samota, SchH3,UV, GHP1, KKUSH, HD/A, RTG DKK 0/0, Czech Import, Belgium Registered BE/RSH
SG Tyras vom Schindergraben “Freitag” (4x) IPO3, SchH3, KKL1, BH, AD 2012 SE Regional Champion, 2013 SE Regional Championships 3rd Place Overall SV, HD/ ED A Normal, OFA Good, Elbows Normal
V Walko vom Graftental, SchH3, KKL1, H/D a-normal ZV72, DDR/East German Import, DNA Profile V4895151 (Frozen Semen)