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Taza vom Banach and handler Angie Batten find missing senior alive

Posted: Sep. 9, 2013

I am beyond happy right now. Leaving a search in Brantley County we were requested for cadaver dogs last night. Elder man with mental issues has been missing since Thursday. Took Taza out and started searching the area around the home. Taza took off down a beaten down path through tall grass. She worked along a creek, went in and came out.

She worked the edge and all of a sudden took a hard left and went behind a short wall of an old abandoned hog pen. When I rounded the corner behind her she was standing wagging her tail sniffing the man’s face.

I went up to him and he is still ALIVE! He is unconscious but alive. Boy did Taza get a big atta girl. She is cadaver only but I did do puppy runaways with Tony hiding when she was a baby. I thought the sheriff was going to kiss me when he hugged my neck.

This is the first live find we have had in all the hundreds of searches we have done in the past 13 years. Normally it does not end well and we do a body recovery especially since he has been missing since Thursday. Happy happy happy!

- Angie

Taza von Banach and handler Angie Batten

Search and rescue team Taza von Banach and handler Angie Batten found 71-year old Eddie Jones alive after he was missing three days.

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