Axel Loving Life
Had to tell you, I love this dog so much! He is now 28 months old and the perfect dog for me.

Rio Continues Air Scent Specific Training
Hi Julie…. just checked the mail and thank you for the prompt sending of those AKC reg papers :) Also I wanted to let you know I took your advice at vet’s and had them xray her whole shoulder, elbows and legs on both legs . . .

Maile Vom Banach Earns HRD Certification
From KVAL.com EUGENE, Ore. – Four-year-old Maile vom Banach is one of the newest members of Lane County’s search and rescue team. Both Maile and her handler Amy Hisaoka went through nearly a thousand hours of training to become a certified cadaver dog team. “They . . .

The Truth About Spaying And Neutering
Once an ardent advocate of spaying or neutering every dog early in life, after being in private practice for a few years, Dr. Karen Becker noticed many of her canine patients were developing endocrine-related disorders. After a conversation with an expert in the . . .

Axel Vom Banach, Runs Errand With Dad
Julie, hope all is well with you. Sending you a picture from yesterday (December 7, 2013). We absolutely love Axel (Irvin & Attila pup, November 2011). He is with me all day and night, running errands etc. We exercise and train every . . .

Dave is Thankful For Ringo
Hi Julie, I just wanted to tell you that Ringo is doing well. He’s a great dog and travels all over the Western U.S. with my girlfriend and I. Everywhere we go people stop me and ask about him. He’s great with children and the . . .

Vito Living Happy Life Exploring Colorado
Hi Julie, Vito is now 6 years old (as of June 4, 2013). He is our constant companion. Connie takes him on 4-5 mile hikes several times each week. Some on leash on roadside trails and others on trails in the National Forest surrounding our . . .

Vom Banach Puppy Rocky Growing Up
Julie, I wanted to touch base and let you know how great Rocky is growing up. He is an incredible pooch–great personality, demeanor, extremely friendly, and very smart! He is growing fast and is best friends with my brother’s Rhodesian/Mastiff who you see in a . . .

Thora vom Banach Earns BH Title
A huge heartfelt congratulations to Shelley Harris Moser and “Thora vom Banach” on the achievement of their BH Title. A very beautiful and touching video tribute. Great job Shelley and Thora so very proud of both of you and all the wonderful people, friends . . .

Bishop vom Banach Earns his BH
17 month Bishop vom Banach earns his BH at the WDSA IPO Championships at Cascade Schutzhund Club with owner-handler John Serres. Bishop’s sire is Irvin, his dam is Kiara.

Atilla And Kaiza Vom Banach Recognized By AKC
AKC Reunite ( formerly AKC Companion Animal Recovery) proudly launched its exciting new website and continues to recognize Search and Rescue dogs Nationwide! We are honored to have two of our beautiful Vom Banach K9 Search and Rescue dogs “Atilla” and “Kaiza” dressed up . . .

Meet Tia Vom Banach, Conservation Detection Dog
Meet Tia, conservation detection dog for Working Dogs for Conservation (http://http://workingdogsforconservation.org/) Tia is owned and handled by Alice Whitelaw. She was bred by Julie Marlow, Vom Banach K9 (http://vombanachk9.com) Vom Banach K9 specializes in search and rescue and detection German Shepherd dogs. You can support . .

Taza vom Banach & Handler Find Missing Senior Alive
I am beyond happy right now. Leaving a search in Brantley County we were requested for cadaver dogs last night. Elder man with mental issues has been missing since Thursday. Took Taza out and started searching the area around the home. Taza took off . . .

Panzer & Ane in Schutzhund Training
Hi Julie! We like your new website! We wanted to send you some recent photos of our fur-babies :) Meghan and Bobby . . .

Maile vom Banach Trailing & HRD For Lane County SAR
Julie, Maile vom Banach is 3 years old now and doing great! She is a trailing and HRD dog for Lane County SAR, having participated in numerous searches. We are a part of Pacific Northwest Search Dogs, a group started by our K9 SAR team.

Luthien vom Banach GSD in Agility
Luthien vom Banach is one very accomplished dog. Her natural athleticism, drive, and desire to please her owners Kevin and Connie White have earned her a place on an extremely elite list of German Shepherds. She is one of only 121 dogs awarded the Performance . . .

Nix Vom Banach Future Tracking Star
Took Nix (Irvin x Clara) tracking today. He was amazing. Stopped taping before he “back tracked” which was better. He has a natural calmness and deep nose. My friend, who has titled and trained multiple SchH dogs was very impressed with him. Seeing as this . . .

Enzo vom Banach Handsome Young Male
Hi Julie, Jason here from Alberta Canada. I have attached some photos of Enzo from the Irvin/Emily litter that was born November 1st 2012. Notice the color change that he went through. He got extremely light within in the first month we had him . . .

Chili vom Banach Loving Life
Thanks so much, Julie. Chili is a wonderful part of our family and we love (and spoil) her very much! As you know, she turned 8 years old today. She’s a healthy and happy and very confident girl who loves to hike. It’s a good . . .

Nothing Stops Kaiser
Kaiser was born with a malformed tail which Julie and her vet determined best to remove at 3 days old. Unfortunate twist of fate in terms of his future bloodline (since we agreed to neuter him), but the early amputation has made his eyes/mannerisms/interactions . . .

Sniffing For Bombs
CBS 60 Minutes - Lara Logan gets a rare look into the secretive world of working dogs — some of whose capabilities are military secrets — and their handlers. April 21, 2013 4:00 PM Bomb dogs. Vom Banach K9’s are currently active in many facets of detection . . .

Taza vom Banach Earns Cadaver Certification
As part of our continued training I was recently one of 20 dog teams from across the country invited to attend the first K-9 seminar held at Texas State University’s body farm. I was more than flattered to be in the first group handpicked and . . .

Eko And Tess Hiking Mt. Hood National Forest
AKC Reunite ( formerly AKC Companion Animal Recovery) proudly launched its exciting new website and continues to recognize Search and Rescue dogs Nationwide! We are honored to have two of our beautiful Vom Banach K9 Search and Rescue dogs “Atilla” and “Kaiza” dressed up . . .